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COURSE #:  2019-29

PARTICIPANTS:  Teachers, Specialists



This professional development program is designed for first time mentors or current mentors who want to refresh and update their skills to align with current standards. Mentors will learn how to;
1) use a year-long curriculum to support novice teacher development
2) reflect on their practice
3) align mentoring conversations to educator evaluation
4) differentiate mentoring conversations to inspire novices and meet their varied needs
5) use mindfulness to minimize stress and focus on the important issues facing novice teachers.

The goal of the program is to transform mentoring into a shared supportive learning experience for both the mentor and the mentee.


Content is delivered online and in one face-to-face workshop.
The Online Professional Learning module includes videos, articles, and a reflection journal.Participants must complete the Online Professional Learning module prior to the face-to-face workshop. (10 content hours)
The in person workshop on October 03 will be held in Dartmouth at the SMEC. 9:00-2:30 (includes registration, lunch break and 5 content hours)


Two books and a Reflection Journal
Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher both books are 2nd edition Corwin Press.

PRESENTER:  Dr. Denise Howley, LICSW*

CONTACT HOURS: Participants will receive 15 PDPs from SMEC to verify they have completed the training.

COST:  $225 IN DISTRICT Member – $250 NON-DISTRICT Member – Cost includes lunc

METHOD OF PAYMENT:  Check , Purchase Order, Money Order or Cash

Please make check payable to SMEC. Mail payment and completed form to SMEC, 25 Russells Mills Rd Dartmouth MA 02748.
We do not accept charge cards. All payments must be mailed to SMEC.

REGISTRATION: Call 508-998-5599 or email Sherri [email protected] at Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative on or before Oct 13 to reserve your place. When you register you will receive a welcome email with information about how to order the books. As soon as you receive your books you may begin the Online Professional Learning module.

We must be informed at the time of registration if you have any ADA needs or require special accommodations of any kind

LOCATION: 27 Russells Mill Rd Dartmouth MA 02748

ABOUT CAROL PELLETIER RADFORD EdD:  Author, Online Program Designer, and Workshop Presenter.  Carol is the Founder of Mentoring in Action, an organization committed to preparing and supporting mentors so they can facilitate the growth of novice teachers. MentoringinAction.com