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Instructor: Carol Pelletier Radford
Participants: Teachers, Specialists
Date/Times: 09/15/21 3:30PM-4:30PM, 10/13/21,3:30PM-4:00PM
Location: VIRTUAL
Course #: 2021-22
Course Info Contact: Sherri Tetrault, 5089985599 ex 130, [email protected]
Course Description:

Instructor: Carol Pelletier Radford
Participants: Teachers, Specialists, and Leaders
Phone call with instructor ~ By arrangement after registration (30 min)
First Session Live Zoom ~ September 15 (1 hour) 3:30-4:30
Closing Session Live Zoom~ October 13th 3:30pm-4:00pm (30 min)
Completed Course Journal due Friday Oct 29th emailed to Sherri  stetrault@smecollaborative.org
Location: Online Course (three weeks self-paced -12 PDPs )
Course Info Contact: Sherri Tetrault, 5089985599 ex 130, [email protected]
Course Description: A Professional Development Program Offered by
The Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative
Mentoring in Action: Becoming a Qualified Mentor!PURPOSE: This professional development program is designed for first time mentors, current mentors, and school or district leaders who want to refresh and update their skills to align with current DESE standards. Mentors will learn how to;
1) use a year-long curriculum to support novice teacher development and mentor effectiveness
2) reflect on their teaching practices to enhance mentoring conversations
3) align mentoring conversations to educator evaluation rubric and SMART Goals
4) differentiate mentoring conversations to meet the varied needs of novices teachers
5) use mindfulness to minimize stress and focus on the important issues facing novice teachers and mentors

The goals of this professional learning program are to 1) transform mentoring into a shared supportive learning experience for both the mentor and the mentee, 2) inspire a collaborative mentoring approach where novices can contribute to their own mentoring experience, 3) integrate social and emotional and well-being strategies for both mentors and mentees

Content Hours (12 hours total) Delivered in an online Professional Learning Module. Includes videos, articles, and a reflection journal. Course module will be distributed to each participant as soon as they register so they may begin prior to Sept 15, Zoom meeting. A 30 minute phone call will be scheduled at the beginning of the course as soon as participants have received their books.
10 hours ~ self-paced online module
2 hours ~ with course instructor
Phone appointment with course instructor ~ 30 minutes (by arrangement)
First Session Zoom ~ September 15, 8:30am-9:30am
Closing Session Zoom ~October 13th, 3:30pm-4:00PM

Two required books. Available as a bundle on Corwin Press for a discounted price. Also available on Amazon.   https://us.corwin.com/en-us/nam/mentoring-in-action-guiding-sharing-and-reflecting-with-novice-teachers/book251765

  1. Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers
  2. The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher

COURSE JOURNAL DUE September 18th 5pm emailed to Sherri  stetrault@smecollaborative.org
Journal may be submitted earlier.

COST and COMPLETION:  $195 SMEC Members $220 Non-District Members. Participants will receive 12 PDPs from SMEC to verify they have completed the training.

REGISTRATION: Call 508-9985599 or email Sherri stetrault@smecollaborative.org at Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative to reserve your place. When you register you will receive a welcome email from the course instructor. As soon as you receive your books you may begin the Online Professional Learning module.

We must be informed at the time of registration if you have any ADA needs or require special accommodations of any kind

Course Instructor and Author of the Books:
Carol Pelletier Radford EdD   — Author, Online Program Designer, and Workshop Presenter

Carol is the Founder of Mentoring in Action, an organization committed to preparing and supporting mentors so they can facilitate the growth of novice teachers. Dr. Radford was a public school teacher for more than 20 years and served as a leader in several teacher education programs where she prepared teachers for the realities of the classroom. You can learn more about her work and benefit from the free resources that are available on the MentoringinAction.com website.