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Instructor: Alicia Serafin
Participants: Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors
Date/Times: 1/20/22/Online 15 hour course Ends 2/28/22
Location: Online
Course #: 2021-43
Course Info Contact: Sherri Tetrault, 508-998-5599 ex 23, [email protected]
Course Description:

This online 15 PDP ESL course involves 4 (approximately 2-hour) weekly self-paced modules. After finishing the 4 weekly modules, participants will have an additional week to complete the other 7 hours of the course by developing a Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Lesson Plan to synthesize learning from the reading and modules. This 15 hour course fulfills the requirement that all educators must have 15 PDPs related to English as a Second Language when they recertify every 5 years. The instructor is a DESE-approved PD provider.

How will students analyze complex texts across content areas while we meet their broad range of needs in all educator roles in our K-12 teaching environments? Research demonstrates that students greatly benefit from consistent use of graphic organizers. Participants will work with two research-based, visual comprehension strategy tools, top-down webs and two-column notes, to support all our students to comprehend higher-level concepts and to assist ELs to work at a higher level while still building their academic vocabulary. Course topics to be covered include top­-down web and two­-column notes skills and application, Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) strategies, and review of lesson examples aligned with Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. Participants will share best practices, plan, and design scaffolded lessons applying top-down web or two-column notes graphic organizers or prerequisite skills that they can implement right away. The final assignment of the development of a Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Lesson Plan synthesizes the module learning, incorporating course applications and takeaways from online reading. How can we provide our students consistent supports for learning in a dynamic environment?


Requests for withdrawals and refunds must be made prior to deadline.  All cancellations subject to a $50 administration fee. 1/5/2022  is the registration deadline.

Registration on Smart PD https://app.smartedu.net/smec/pd or email Sherri Tetrault at [email protected] or call 508-9985599 ex 130.

Member District $275 and Non Member District $300

We must be informed at the time of registration if you have any ADA needs or require special accommodations of any kind