History & Profile
The Southeastern MassachusettsEducational Collaborative (SMEC) is a public education collaborative established in 1975 pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40, Section 4E.
SMEC is an extension of ten public school systems, which make up its membership. The present membership includes the Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Fall River, Marion, Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School, Rochester and Old Rochester Regional public school districts. SMEC accepts students for enrollment in its programs from school systems throughout Southeastern Massachusetts. The Collaborative’s programs and services are locally based and locally directed and are designed to supplement the special education resources of its member districts.
SMEC offers a variety of services for students with special needs aged 4-21 as well as adults with developmental disabilities. The Collaborative also offers professional development opportunities for educational staff. SMEC is a member of the Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives.
Our Guiding Principles
- We believe that all people have strengths, abilities and gifts and must be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their level of need.
- We strive to ensure that support and services are guided by an individual’s goals and preferences.
- We strive to assist each individual to participate in and contribute meaningfully to their community through school, work, community service and recreation.
- We believe that all individuals have the ability and need to learn and can learn in a safe, nurturing environment with the appropriate support.
- We will safeguard each individual’s right to privacy, dignity and respect.
- We believe that parents and families are their children’s most important advocates and teachers.
- We believe that through collaboration and teamwork we strengthen the resources of school districts and adult agencies to provide the very best in school age and adult programs.
We have high expectations for the success of our students, staff, consumers, parents and the community.
- We believe that an effective organization is diverse in perspective, culture and experience.