Title: Online Course: Becoming an Effective Mentor |
Instructor: Carol Radford, Karen Gannon, Kathi Rogers |
Participants: Teachers, Specialists, Administrators |
Date/Times: Class Starts 4/05/24 |
Location: Asynchronous learning |
Course #: 2024-11 |
Course Info Contact: Sherri Tetrault, 5089985599 ex 130, stetrault@smecollaborative.org |
Course Description:Instructors: Carol Pelletier Radford, Karen Gannon, Kathi Rogers Mindful Mentoring | | Participants: Teachers, Specialists, and Administrators Course cost: $120 and two required books. Both are on Amazon Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher | Registration ends April 1st and courses begin April 5th with completion May 3rd (extensions upon request). These self-paced courses are designed to be completed in 3-4 weeks or less. More than one course may be taken. 15 PDPs are awarded by SMEC upon successful completion of required assignments. |