
Title: Building Relationships with English Language Learners (15 PDPs) $150


OPEN FOR REGISTRATION Instructor: Carol Radford, Karen Gannon, Kathi Rogers Participants: Teachers, Specialists, Administrators Date/Times: Begins when you register 02/07/23 and ends 03/07/23 Location: Asynchronous learning Course #: 2023-12 Course Info Contact: Sherri Tetrault, 5089985599 ex 130, [email protected] Instructor: Carol Pelletier Radford, Karen Gannon, Kathi Rogers     Dates/Times: February 7,2023 - March 7, 2023 For all educators who need to document SEI/ESL PDPs for DESE Recertification.   Course Description: One important way to support students from other cultures is to build a relationship with them. This course offers participants an opportunity to learn; 1) who the ELL students are in [...]
