Helping Traumatized Children Learn

SMEC (Main) 27 Russells Mills Rd, Dartmouth, MA, United States

COURSE #:  2019-35 PARTICIPANTS:  Teachers, Para Professionals, Assistant Teachers, Specialists DESCRIPTION:  Helping Traumatized Children Learn Utilizing information from the Massachusetts Advocates for Children Report and Policy Agenda, research from Bessel van der Kolk, MD and material from Gordon Hodas, MD, as well as examples from the presenter’s current practice, this workshop will present information on the impact of trauma on learning. Participants will learn how trauma impacts child development, and affects physical, mental and emotional health. Strategies for educators and counselors will be explored and practiced. PRESENTER:  Dr. Denise Howley, LICSW* CONTACT HOURS:  3 PDP’s COST:  $75 Member METHOD OF PAYMENT:  Check [...]


IEP Writing Strategies: A Linear Approach

SMEC (Main) 27 Russells Mills Rd, Dartmouth, MA, United States

COURSE #:  2019-31 PARTICIPANTS:  Teachers, Para Professionals, Assistant Teachers, Guidance DESCRIPTION:   This full-day workshop will present suggestions, ideas and strategies for writingeffective IEPs. Included in the workshop: Difference between PLEP A and B, Impact ofthe disability statement, accommodations/modification/specially designed instruction,determining goal focus areas, writing effective current performance levels observableand measurable goals and objectives/benchmarks.Models and templates will be used to guide participants with concepts they mightuse in their own IEP writing practice. Anticipated changes to the IEP process andformat will also be presented yet given that these have not been determined by theDepartment of Elementary and Secondary Education these will remain theoretical innature [...]

$175 – $200