Friends of SMEC

Friends of SMEC, Inc. is an independently run parent group available to support local families.
Friends of SMEC– exists to support individuals with developmental disabilities. Individuals are provided services and supports which allow them to be more fully included in their communities, in ways which are meaningful to them.
The membership is comprised of volunteers, including family members and friends of students and consumers who receive services from Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative (SMEC).
Want to volunteer? Contact Sherri Tetrault @ 508-9985599 ex 130

This group evolved from an informal parents group which met for informational purposes. They began limited fundraising activities in 1995 and were known as Parents Supporting Students of the Mason Burt School. The name People Supporting Independent Living and Leisure (PSILL) was adopted in November 1996 to more accurately describe the group’s activities and membership. The name has since changed to PSILL- Friends of SMEC.
Fundraising Activities
Friends of SMEC Inc. raises funds utilizing a number of different strategies including an annual benefit dance, grants, and private and corporate donations. From our humble beginnings, Friends of SMEC’s annual budget has grown to over $10,000. One Hundred Percent of all funds raised by Friends of SMEC are used to help individuals with developmental disabilities to better access their communities and reach personal goals in employment, education, independent living, self advocacy and self care. Contributions support such programs as:
Assisting individuals to move into apartments or homes of their own.
Providing specialized safety equipment to enhance individual safety and independence.
Providing support in training apartments to provide individuals with a realistic experience of independent living and function as an assessment tool to determine supports and services the individual will require to live in an apartment or home of their own.
Providing financial support to individuals who lose employment or are faced with unanticipated expenses.
Providing transportation assistance when public transportation is unavailable or is too costly.
Purchasing training materials to increase the public’s understanding of the needs and supports for individuals with disabilities.
Providing support to allow individuals to be more fully included in community, educational, recreational and leisure activities.
Offering no-interest loans to individuals for start up businesses and helping with winter utility bills.
Purchasing new furniture and household items for several training locations.
Hosting informative speakers for families and individuals.
And much more..

Tax deductible contributions can be made at the link below:
Contributions can also be mailed to:
Friends of SMEC
25 Russells Mills Rd
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Please make checks payable to Friends of SMEC Inc.
For more information about Friends of SMEC, Inc. contact Sherri Tetrault at (508) 998-5599 ex 130 or email .