The Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives (MOEC)

Under Mass. Gen. Laws c. 40, s. 4E, two or more school committees may form an educational collaborative to provide certain educational programs and services. The commissioner of Educational as well as the member school committees must approve each educational collaborative.
As an association of collaboratives across the state, the Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives (MOEC) is guided by this vision and mission:
The Massachusetts Organization of Educational Collaboratives is a highly visible, influential organization that is recognized as the Commonwealth’s primary advocate for and facilitator of inter-district collaboration in education and related services.
To provide a forum to enhance the ability of Collaborative Directors to promote leadership and direction to their organizations through professional development, information exchange, and advocacy for collaborative programming such that Massachusetts Collaboratives can better serve the constituents.
2023-2024 MOEC Board of Directors
Southeast Collaborative Regional Organization
The S.C.R.O. typically meets monthly as an Operating Committee of the Executive Directors of the nine collaboratives. The Governing board consisting of collaborative Executive Directors and Superintendents representing each of the collaboratives typically meets quarterly.
The Southeast Collaborative Regional Organization (S.C.R.O.) is a consortium of nine Educational Collaboratives in Southeastern Massachusetts. Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative is one of the nine members. The purpose of the S.C.R.O. is to: increase quality of education in each local district by creating a wealth of combined expertise; maximize education dollars through consolidation of resources such as professional development and technology; build capacity within member districts through the sharing of management, instructional and support personnel; share knowledge, information, and best practices among members; acquaint state and local leaders, policymakers, and the public with the role Educational Collaboratives play in promoting high quality, cost-effective school districts; and provide linkages with MOEC as the state-level collaborative organization and with the national organization of Educational Collaboratives.