Mentoring in Action: Becoming a Qualified Mentor!


COURSE #:  2019-29 PARTICIPANTS:  Teachers, Specialists DESCRIPTION:   Purpose This professional development program is designed for first time mentors or current mentors who want to refresh and update their skills to align with current standards. Mentors will learn how to; 1) use a year-long curriculum to support novice teacher development 2) reflect on their practice 3) align mentoring conversations to educator evaluation 4) differentiate mentoring conversations to inspire novices and meet their varied needs 5) use mindfulness to minimize stress and focus on the important issues facing novice teachers. The goal of the program is to transform mentoring into a shared supportive learning [...]

Mentoring in Action: Becoming a Qualified Mentor!2019-10-29T03:59:51+00:00

Sheltered English Introductory Course (7/18)


COURSE #:  2019-32 PARTICIPANTS:  Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors DESCRIPTION:  With the increase in English Language Learners entering public schools the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has outlined a plan for professional development for teachers, specialists, and administrators in order to accommodate the educational and social adjustment of the new learners within their new school. This fifteen hour professional development course will provide participants an exposure to the current framework and educational theory that will engage all learners in a classroom and specialized teaching. This course provides valuable information and 15 PDP’s but does not lead to endorsement. CONTACT HOURS:  3 PDP’s [...]

Sheltered English Introductory Course (7/18)2019-10-29T03:42:41+00:00

Helping Traumatized Children Learn


COURSE #:  2019-35 PARTICIPANTS:  Teachers, Para Professionals, Assistant Teachers, Specialists DESCRIPTION:  Helping Traumatized Children Learn Utilizing information from the Massachusetts Advocates for Children Report and Policy Agenda, research from Bessel van der Kolk, MD and material from Gordon Hodas, MD, as well as examples from the presenter’s current practice, this workshop will present information on the impact of trauma on learning. Participants will learn how trauma impacts child development, and affects physical, mental and emotional health. Strategies for educators and counselors will be explored and practiced. PRESENTER:  Dr. Denise Howley, LICSW* CONTACT HOURS:  3 PDP’s COST:  $75 Member METHOD OF PAYMENT:  Check [...]

Helping Traumatized Children Learn2019-10-29T03:25:08+00:00
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