Project Description
Multidisciplinary Learning Classroom
The SMEC Multidisciplinary Learning Center offers students with significant physical and medical needs a safe and supportive learning environment. Located at the Old Hammondtown School in Mattapoisett, the program is a substantially separate classroom serving students in grades 1-5 and follows a 180 day school calendar with an additional 5 week part-time extended year summer component. School year program hours are from 8:45 A.M. to 2:45 P.M.
With a 3:1 student to educational staff ratio, the MLC offers instruction in core academic and specialty areas
modified as appropriate to meet the students’ needs and as documented in their IEPs. Our special education
teacher(s), RN, CNA(s) and paraprofessional(s) work together as a team to create an environment where
students with physical and medical challenges are able to succeed. Our speech pathologist, physical therapist,
occupational therapist and school adjustment counselor are available for therapeutic services as needed.
The mission of the MLC is to facilitate a student’s personal growth in a supportive, safe environment. Students
are referred to the program by their Local Educational Authority (LEA).
- Individual/small group instruction
- ADLs
- Medical supervision
- Social skills development
- Community outings
- School lunch program
- Speech/Language Therapy as indicated
- Occupational Therapy as indicated
- Physical Therapy as indicated
- Physical Education
Multidisciplinary Learning Classroom
Old Hammondtown School
20 Shaw Street
Mattapoisett, MA 02739
(508) 758-6241