Board of Directors

a SMEC student at a register at work

The Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative (SMEC) is governed by a Board of Directors, with one representative appointed by each member school committee. The Board meets regularly throughout the year.

2024-2025 Board Members

Ms. Melissa Cordeira 
Acushnet School Committee

Mr. Jack LeBrun
Mattapoisett School Committee

Ms. Brendalee Smith
Fairhaven School Committee

Mr. Christopher A. Cotter
New Bedford School Committee

Ms. Michelle Smith
Marion School Committee

Ms. Anne Fernandes
Rochester School Committee

Mr. Christopher Oliver
Dartmouth School Committee

Ms. Rose Bowman
ORR School Committee

Collin Dias
Fall River School Committee

Mr. Michael Shea
GNBVT Committee

Ms. Catherine S. Cooper, Executive Director
Secretary To The Board

Mr. John Nunes
Collaborative Treasurer

Mr. Christopher Haraden, Director of Finance and Operations
Public Access Records Officer

2024-2025 Board Meetings and Minutes

Beginning September 2012, SMEC’s Board Meeting schedule will be posted online, as well as agendas, approved meeting minutes and our yearly independent financial audit. Should you have any questions, please contact us.

The table below lists scheduled meetings of the Southeastern Massachusetts Educational Collaborative Board of Directors. Links to the agendas and minutes (in PDF format) are also provided as they become available.

Unless otherwise posted, meetings are held at the Administrative Office, 25 Russells Mills Road, Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Absent extenuating circumstances or cancellation due to lack of a quorum or inclement weather, changes to dates, start times, or location will be approved on the prior scheduled meeting or agenda and/or posted on the SMEC website and emailed to all Board members at least 48 hours in advance.

All SMEC Board Meetings are at 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

* Meeting was held remotely over Zoom. Please contact Catherine Cooper if you wish to join the Meeting.

Board of Trustees OPEB Trust Meetings

Meeting DateAgenda/Minutes
September 30, 202409/30/2024 Agenda
November 29, 202211/29/2022 Agenda / Minutes
March 30, 20213/30/2021 Agenda / Minutes
September 30, 20199/30/2019 Agenda/Minutes

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